Once Upon A Time... Man

Once upon a time … the history of man from his earliest origins to our own times! The action takes place around the members of one family. We find these characters in the different settings of each episode – with the pertinent costumes, circumstances and ways of life –, facing the problems of everyday existence in their time. Past the caves of the Neanderthal, the pyramids of the Pharaohs, the Vikings and the ancient Greeks and Romans, it is up to modern times with all their discoveries and revolutions, but also downsides and problems. – In 26 episodes you can learn all about the history of mankind: from early times to the earth in the near future. A small clock helps you to keep the temporal orientation on your tour through inventions, discoveries, wars and conquests.


He is the eternal wise, the erudite. He always knows what to say, always has the solution to problems, conflicts and makes the discovery needed every time. He is the one who narrate the tales to the children.

A young man of his time, kind-hearted, brave and ready to face the challenges of his era.

Peter’s best friend, faithful and beefy. He is sometimes oaf, but brave and with an incredible strength, a decisive argument against all Pest.

Peter’s wife, she is the one who tempers passions, who offers other solutions. She is also the mother figure, a comforting presence. Behind her smiling appearance, she is a fortress.

He is the typical antagonist, the worthy representative of all dumb people. He is always in disagreement or in the opposite side. Stupid and mean. His only dissuation is Jumbo’ fist.

He is small and always by the pest’s side. Despite not having the greatest physicality, he is clever but cruel. He is a pernicious being, the bad angel of the Pest.

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The episodes

Il était une fois l'Homme


Once upon a time... Man

Il était une fois l'Homme


Once upon a time... Man

Il était une fois l'Homme


Once upon a time... Man

Il était une fois l'Homme


Once upon a time... Man

Il était une fois l'Homme


Once upon a time... Man