Once Upon A Time... The Americas

In the far north of America, some brave warriors once went hunting for scraggly bisons. In the middle of the gigantic continent the Aztecs ruled. Then the white conquerors Columbus, Cortez and Pizarro came with their soldiers and settlers. The Englishmen fought the French, the Spanish against the Portuguese. The new land pledged great prosperity: gold! Come and join Maestro, Peter, Pierrette, Jumbo and their friends on this exciting journey full of discoveries.


The eternal wisdom. He always comes up with the right thing to say, to do and he's able to solve any problems or conflicts.

The young heroe with whom the youngsters would identify themselves. He's hotheaded, skilful and resourcedul, to the great amazement of his elders.

Our very young friend is kindness itself. She has good sense and an inquisitive mind.

The father, an ordinary man, sometimes the head of the clan, with good sense, wisdom and courage when it is needed.

The mother, solid as a rock. She's the one who always sorts everything out, who has a calming influence and dresses bumps and wounds.

Peter's right-hand man, the unfailing lifelong friend. His strength will be the determining factor against all the "pests" of the world.

And this is the Pest we were talking about. The epitome of stupidity. A dumb and nasty piece of work. Only the close sight of Jumbo's fist has a dissuassive effect upon him.

This one isn't only nasty but he's also corrupt. He has a bad influence on the Pest.

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Il était une fois les Amériques


Once upon a time... Americas

Il était une fois les Amériques


Once upon a time... The Americas